One to One Coaching
Dive deep for lasting change
Service Description
I recommend a minimum of five sessions, ideally a week apart. This builds momentum, so that we can dive deep and move quickly. In the first session I will complete an intake form, to get details, the background to the area of life where you’re looking for change, an overview of the insights you already have, and what you’ve already tried. One to one coaching can help you make dramatic shifts in areas where you have been stuck. Clients have been able to break long-standing patterns and resolve seemingly insoluble problems at work with ease. Some have found the confidence to apply successfully to new jobs which have suited them better. Many have found that synchronicities happen - as they realise that they are open to opportunities, the opportunities have arrived. Several clients have gained insights that have supported them to break patterns of overwork that were leading them towards burn out. Clients have commented that they’ve been delighted by the discovery of the creativity of their imaginations. For many clients the sense of connecting to their Soul’s wishes has brought a deep faith in themselves and their lives. The Jungian approach is based on the idea that the unconscious mind is a source of wisdom and guidance. It uses a holistic approach to help you cultivate wellness in your entire personality.
Contact Details
Glasgow, UK